9mobile has lost 13.2 million Internet subscribers in seven years after its peaking in April 2016
In the past seven years, 9mobile has experienced a consistent decline in its Internet subscriber base, with an average loss of 134k subscribers monthly since June 2016. This decline began after it reached 17.2 million subscribers — its highest ever — in April 2016. As of July 2023, 9mobile's Internet subscriber count was 3.9m. MTN had the largest share (68.1m) of Nigeria's 159m Internet subscribers as of July 2023. Glo and Airtel had almost equal shares, with 43.9m and 42.9m subscribers, respectively.
While several African nations have state-controlled telcos, some private operators have extended their presence across the continent. Notably, none operates in all countries on the continent.
MTN Group and Orange are present in 17 countries, with MTN having a stronger presence in Southern Africa than Orange. Francophone West Africa and North Africa are Orange's primary markets.
Nigerians aged 10 years and above in the South-South region have three times more access to the internet (42%) compared to those in the North-West (14%).
The cost of accessing the Internet isn't the same everywhere. In Switzerland, 1GB of mobile data costs $7.29, the most expensive globally, while Nigeria stands at just $0.38, which is 15 times less than the cost in the United States ($6.00). Meanwhile, Israel offers the cheapest deal at only $0.02 per GB. There is a more moderate global average at $2.59.
Samsung consistently led the global smartphone shipments market through the first three quarters of 2024, maintaining the highest market share in each quarter.
Apple and Xiaomi followed closely, while other brands, including Oppo, Vivo, and Transsion, were among the top brands. The top three smartphone brands (Samsung, Apple, and Xiaomi) dominate the market, collectively capturing nearly half of the global share in the first three quarters of 2024.