68% of Nigeria's capital imports in Q1 went to three sectors — banking, production, and IT services

Most of Nigeria's capital imports in the first quarter of 2023 were directed toward three sectors. The banking sector got the most investments with $304 million, accounting for 27%, and the production and IT services sectors followed, with 22% and 19%, respectively.

Related Insights

Iceland ranks first in the world for gender equality, with a parity score of 0.935, reflecting a strong balance between men and women.
  • With a score of 0.935, Iceland continues to set the benchmark for gender equality.
  • Namibia (0.805) and Nicaragua (0.811) are redefining expectations, proving that gender equality is not just a goal for wealthier nations but a global priority.
  • Germany (0.810), Ireland (0.802), and Lithuania (0.793) highlight Europe’s dominant role in advancing gender parity, setting examples for other regions.
  • Namibia (0.805) and South Africa (0.785) represent two of Africa’s most gender-equal societies.
  • Nigeria has a score of 0.65, making it the 125th country worldwide

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